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Student Registration

SY 2022-2023



  • Complete the online registration on Infinite Campus Parent Portal for your household. Click on the Campus icon.

  • Please send you registration documents; CURRENT water, trash, power, gas bill, or lease agreement, PLUS parent identification. *New Kinder siblings must also attach a birth certificate & immunization records.* Click on the folder icon.

  • For more Online Registration Information, Click Enrollment Information and Online Registration


Parents, refer to the videos below for assistance:





folder icon.jpg


Campus Portal

This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including: Calendar, Schedules, Attendance, Grades, Health (Immunizations Only), Assignments, Academic Planner, Academic Progress, Fees/Payments, To Do Lists, Reports, District/School Notices, Cafeteria Balance, School Meals Application.

Campus Portal Mobile App

Download the app on your smartphone or tablet. Go to:











Say NO to Bullying!

Per Clark County School District (CCSD) Policy 5137 - Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, the CCSD "Say No to Bullying" Website was developed to facilitate accessibility for individuals to report incidents of bullying.


CCSD Code of Conduct

CCSD Code of Conduct - Spanish



Student Dress Code

The families of Squires Elementary voted to implement a mandatory Standards Student Attire policy.  Students must adhere to the following requirements.  These items can be purchased at department stores, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or other local stores. 


  • Pants, shorts, skirts, and jumpers must be solid navy blue or khaki and without embellishment (rhinestones, sparkles, patches, etc.).

  • Denim pants are allowed. 

  • Shirts and blouses with our without collared shirts are allowed and be navy blue, red, black, or white.

  • Tights or leggings worn under skirts or jumpers must be solid navy blue, red, black, white, or khaki.

  • All items must be without patterns, words, and logos.

  • Outerwear (hooded sweatshirts, sweaters, or jackets) do not need to be in Standard Student Attire colors, but must be removed in the classroom unless classroom temperatures are too cold (as determined by the classroom teacher).

  • Standard Student Attire is required on school days, including Fridays.Students and families will be notified in a flyer of occasional school spirit days when Standard Student Attire is not required.

Enrollment Information and

Online Registration


CCSD Attendance and Truancy Policy

Attendance enforcement is a shared responsibility between the Clark County School District and the student’s parent or legal guardian. The parent, legal guardian, or other person in the state of Nevada having control or charge of any student is required to send the student to school during all times that the public school is in session (NRS 392.040).


Food Services


School Transportation


C.P. Squires Parent Handbook - English


C.P. Squires Parent Handbook - Spanish


Effective School Communication - English


Effective School Communication - Spanish



Codigo de Vestuario

Las familias de la Primaria Squires votaron a favor de implementar una política obligatoria de Estándares de Vestimiento Estudiantil. Los estudiantes deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos. Estos artículos se pueden comprar en tiendas departamentales, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, u otras tiendas locales.

  • Pantalones, pantalones cortos, faldas y jerseys deben ser de color azul marino o caqui sin adornos (piedras preciosas, brillos, parches, etc.).

  • Pantalones de mezclilla están permitidos.

  • Camisas y las blusas deben tener collares y ser de color azul marino, rojo, negro o blanco.

  • Medias o mallas usadas debajo de las faldas o de los jerseys deben ser azul marino, rojo, negro, blanco o caqui.

  • Los artículos deben ser sin dibujos, palabras y logotipos.

  • Abrigos (sudaderas con capucha, suéteres o chaquetas) no necesitan ser en Colores Estándares pero deben quitarse en el aula a menos que la temperatura de la clase sea demasiado fría (según lo determine el maestro).

  • Estándares de Vestimiento Estudiantil son requeridos los días escolares, incluyendo los Viernes. Estudiantes y las familias serán notificados en un folleto de los días cuando el Estándar de Vestimiento Estudiantil no es requerido.

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